Your Guide to Choosing Right

Selecting the perfect waxing service or Calibrated Pulsed Light (CPL) treatment is like finding the right tailored outfit – it should fit your skin type, preferences, and specific needs seamlessly. In this guide, we’re here to assist you in making an informed decision that ensures not just smooth skin but a comfortable and personalized experience.

The treatment area

  • Skin condition

    Customers with dry, flaky, or thin skin may opt for CPL removal as it is a gentler approach, as waxing will exfoliate the skin.

  • Hair color

    CPL is more effective for darker-colored hair and requires fewer sessions than lighter-colored hair. Waxing can be performed on any hair color.

  • Skin tone

    Light skin tone will see fast effective results for CPL treatments while darker skin tone may require more sessions. Waxing is consistent regardless of skin tone.

Understanding the different conditions at the required treatment area allows for a more informed decision.

Considering your preference

  • Instant versus longevity

    CPL provides long-lasting hair removal results but it may take a few sessions to start seeing results. The result of removal done with waxing is immediate and usually lasts around 3-4 weeks until regrowth.

  • Pain tolerance

    While the pain associated with waxing done by our trained therapists is minimal, CPL treatments are considered “zero” pain. Customers with low pain tolerance can opt for CPL treatments.

The Importance of Consultation

Confused about what treatment to choose? Visit us and consult our therapists for professional assessment and advice!

Making the choice for a suitable treatment is like curating your skincare routine – it is personal and tailored to your needs. Professional guidance is invaluable in this journey. Whether waxing for immediate smoothness or CPL treatments for long-lasting results, your comfort and satisfaction are paramount. Regardless of whichever option, embrace the confidence and relish the journey to beautiful, smooth skin.